Dear Reader,
Why do I have a website, you ask? I wonder that myself. It was not my idea. I'm normally a shy, retiring sort of bloke but my publisher thought I should have a web profile. This is it. It includes a number of audio and video links and I'll add bells and whistles when I've mastered the technology.
Included are:
- the audio-visual presentation I use to accompany On Her Majesty's Nuclear Service at literary festivals.
- a one-hour interview for a book programme on US radio.
- reviews and feedback on 'On Her Majesty's Nuclear Service' .
- unique recordings of submarine concerts held on patrol and now archived in the Imperial War Museum and the Royal Navy Submarine Museum
- a unique video of me performing Ally Shanter, my parody of Robert Burns' Tam O'Shanter, recorded in the actual Bachelors' Club established by Burns in Tarbolton 240 years ago
commodoreericthompson is a mouthful for a website title. Apologies for that. The reason is that there are hundreds of other Eric Thompsons in cyberspace, none of whom wish to be mistaken for me.
I never fail to count my blessings. I have lived in peace, enjoyed love and friendship since birth, and have never known hunger, homelessness, poverty, persecution or ill health. What more could a man desire? A dog, you say. A cat, I add.
Yours sincerely,